Sallie Fullerton (editor of Idil Biret: Life and Music)

Sallie Fullerton received their BA in English and French at Wesleyan University and graduated from Iowa University’s Writers’ Workshop with an MFA in poetry. They have been published in Frontier Poetry, Vagabond City, Bennington Review, and Pathetic Literature. They are currently on a Fulbright in Montréal to study the shifting lesbian bar scene from the 1960s to the present day for use in a documentary-poetry book project. 

Edited by this author

Life & Music: A Memoir

Idil Biret

Idil Biret’s memoir is an important historical record of this extraordinary Turkish pianist prodigy who began playing at the age of three. At eight she commenced study at the Paris Conservatoire under the guidance of Nadia Boulanger. At sixteen she appeared with major orchestras in the principal music centers of the world―the Boston Symphony, Leningrad Philharmonic, Leipzig Gewandhaus, London Symphony and Warsaw Philharmonic.

Her moving prose reveals a consummate musician who is intellectually brilliant, humanely sensitive, and spiritually inquisitive. Certainly one of the most gifted pianists of this century or the last, her memoir will be a deep pleasure for lovers of memoir and music alike.

